Lesson 1: Your Mindset Matters
Before you judge the title, let me clarify what we’ll talk about today …
This is not woo-woo , “think and it will come true” or other fallacies of positive thinking.
But the truth is the truth: the way you think about yourself, about others and about the world
affects your reality.
For example, if you think that “you are not enough” to win a project of $ US2,000, guess what …
you will never demand that amount, and therefore, you will not achieve it..
It is important that you understand from this moment that all skills are developed. And you learn
from mistakes.
You need what self-help circles call the Growth Mindset .
Image result for mindset translation
There will be challenges, you will make mistakes, it is inevitable. Decide today to learn from
every challenge, every mistake, and every piece of advice (like the ones you’ll get from me
these days).
Many are not clear on what they want to offer and never start …
Others, on the contrary, begin to offer everything …
Many are inexperienced and succeed …
Others have a degree in what they want to offer but never start …
At the end of the day, it all depends on you. You have to trust yourself and stay positive even if
things are not going in the right direction.
Now, the million dollar question: how do you develop that confidence and positivity?
First, realize these 3 realities. I know they can help you.
You only lose if you stop trying. It’s easy to get demotivated if you want to knock down a tree
with 5 hits, go for # 25 and still nothing. But as long as you sharpen your ax and keep hitting,
eventually the tree will fall.
You have all the information in the world. And you have it in your hands. As long as you know
how to discern between what works and what doesn’t … and look for the relevant information for
you, learning something new is easier than ever.
Nobody is perfect. Not me. Not you. Not the best freelancer of all time. Nobody. The difference
between those who succeed is that they keep taking action, learn the lessons, and move on.
You can’t imagine the mistakes I’ve made …
Give yourself permission to fail and keep taking action. When you expect it, it is easier to accept
Another concept that you have to assimilate — and the faster the better — is the following:
You are a business now.
Yup , that’s right. If you want to have a chance of success and get paid premium, you must
understand it from now on. You are a business. And you need an entrepreneurial mindset.
Now … you will ask yourself: “what does it mean for it to be a business?”
Look at it like this.
As an employee you are the piece of a great puzzle, you are a cog in a mechanism.
author was in charge of customer service. muhal is in charge of looking for clients. Mehmil to
sell. And you to deliver.
Now you are the head in ALL departments. You are responsible for finding, convincing, and
serving your own customers.
You are the complete puzzle.
It is a totally different way of operating.
Do you see the importance of this lesson?
When you are an employee, your boss would tell you exactly what to do, how to do it, and
when. All day. Every day.
As a freelancer you are not supposed to be that way.
Sure, you have to take into account the needs of your clients, but it is a mutual collaboration . It
is not an employee-client relationship, the client is not more than you and you are not more than
They are on the same level.
Another important point is to know that all the businesses that have reached the highest
positions in the world have been guided by clear objectives.
Set your goal and date it. An undated goal is nothing more than a simple dream.
Maybe you have enough making 1500 dollars / month as an extra income, or maybe you want
to make 3,000 or 5,000 per month.
The moment you have a clear objective, you will push to achieve it every day.
I personally like to set goals for myself in small increments.
If you’ve never made $ 1, start there.
As absurd as it sounds, write “I’m going to make $ 1 this month”
And then $ 10, and then $ 100, and then $ 500, and so on.
With this goal in mind and a deadline, it will be much easier to get out there and make it happen.
I believe in you.
I believe that you can create a profitable freelance business and break with the conventional
paradigm of employment.
But remember: you must also trust yourself.
Okay , I think I already finished my motivational speech ???????? . Let’s get to the truly actionable.
If you don’t know exactly what niche to stay in (or what freelance service to offer), you will know
You will like this lesson.
See you tomorrow,

The customer’s problem and goal first.
Second the solution.

And everything is written in a very conversational tone (as if you were speaking to one person).
Contact: you need an answer
If you’ve already excited the customer a bit with what you have to offer, you should end up loud
and clear with a call to action.
This can be accompanied by a small form on your website. Or you can simply say, “Email me at
name@gmail.com if you think I can help you.”
The point is to tell the customer the next step to take to continue the conversation.

Uuuufff … enough for today. You have homework to do, friend.
Remember that it doesn’t have to be anything glamorous. Sometimes a title and 2-3 paragraphs
is enough.
(Check out the example above … it does a good job and it’s literally 7 sentences.)
You can change or expand it later.
Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be better than most freelancers with vague titles,
descriptions based on them, and 0 calls to action.
Congratulations on that.
The last step to get customers is coming: contact them. I’ll show you a frame of reference that
works for any type of direct contact you make with a client …
Be it in an email or any other message.
This is where most fail. Are you ready?
See you tomorrow,
Lesson 5: How to convince your client and what to say to get them to respond
We come to the most important part of your way to get your first client: the message or email
that you will send.
It is super important that your email shine and call the attention so that they finally hire you
(which is the goal).
Pay attention, because it took me time to decipher this part. Not only because of the messages I
had to send to get clients, but because one of my first jobs as a virtual assistant was
sending cold emails in an agency to get clients to my client.
This helped me quickly understand what makes people respond to a message or not.
And as always, we are going to keep things simple, focusing on 3 principles that are not so
obvious and that will make a difference when the client responds or not.
Reality # 1: The Emotional vs. The Rational
As much as it seems that the trophy is taken by the most experienced or the longest resume, it
is not like that. Not at all.
It’s easy to think that if you have more years of experience, you have an advantage. Or that if
you have a degree, you have an advantage.
And I am not saying that this is not an advantage. But telling your client, “I have an X degree” or
“A Y certification ” doesn’t make a big difference.
And what makes the difference then?
A personal connection makes a difference. Look at this example of how I wrote to the CEO and
owner of a famous startup in Spain:

Notice how I enter the conversation congratulating the client and expressing the fact that friends
have recommended their solution to me.
And baaaam ! 2 hours later…
From strangers to interested. From interested to meeting and $$$
However, I bet you that without that first sentence I would not have answered.
People like to be told that what they are doing is right.
Don’t underestimate the importance of a personal connection.
Find a way to sincerely (keyword: sincerely … don’t make anything up) congratulate, flatter, or
praise your client and their business.
It will work, as long as it sounds natural and not forced.
Reality # 2: Trust Vs. Experience
If he asks you, what is more important in your client’s mind, 45 years of experience or that he
trusts you?
Anyone can make up a number and write it in a message . Think about it. The client has no way
of confirming these things. You can’t tell the difference between someone with 6 months of
experience and someone with 6 years.
¿ What happens if instead of saying “I’m good at _” share valuable information?
Or if instead of saying “I have X time doing this” you tell the client the most common mistakes
made by professionals in your branch?
Or if you ask some specific information that you know you will need for the project, letting the
client know that you know what you are talking about?

Do you see how none of these things require experience as such?
A valuable piece of information may be a new technology that you read about.
Common mistakes made by professionals in your field can be found with a Google search.
Each one of these subtle bits of information makes the client see you as an expert on the
subject, trust you, and proceed to contact you.
Another important aspect for the client to trust you that you speak with confidence (and even
mention it if necessary) …
The simple fact that TRUST in yourself gives you confidence to your client as well.
Reality # 3: Friendly Vs. Skillful
When I say the word “customer” it gives a feeling of monetary interest or as if the only thing that
matters is the transaction.
When it comes to convincing a client, most freelancers go into despair mode or ’90s salesman
mode and trust me, your client smells miles away.
Many want to close the contract at all costs and this is precisely what keeps them without
customers. The only goal of a first contact is a response. And you must simply communicate
from human to human.
An easy way to lend yourself as a friendly and collaborative person is to understand what your
customer wants and mention it in your message. If you need to find out about their business
beforehand, snoop on their full LinkedIn, and dig into their website, do so.
These tips may seem unusual, and the truth is that they are. But we are working with people …
and admit it … we are weird.
Take these tips into account, put them into practice and I assure you that you will begin to see
Remember to also close every message with a call to action — it could be a question about
your project or a question about the client’s availability.
And that’s all for now.
These are the lessons of months figuring out what to do to get up to 35% + responses from
clients (and that’s literally contacting strangers who didn’t know me at all!)
Thanks for reading everything,
PD: So far the lessons. * ????
At this point, many prefer to simply unsubscribe by clicking below. (If this is your case, go
ahead. I promise not to cry for a long time or hold resentments ???? )
They decide to stay in this newsletter . Occasionally he sent part of my journey. And also
invitations to my freelance premium program (which I will tell you more about later).
It’s up to you.
In the same way, I hope that these lessons have been of benefit to you to give you clarity and
lead you much better on this path to being freelance that can be dark and complicated for many.

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